A Study with Users of the Coprata Smart Toilet

October 25, 2023

In October 2023, we presented at American College of Gastroenterology (ACG2023), the first collaboration of Coprata with the Center of GI Physiology & Motility at Mount Sinai with co-author Yuying Luo, MD. Other collaborators on the study were Duke University and gastroenterology specialist Jose Ruiz, MD.  

A study of users of the Coprata Smart Toilet recorded data from the bowel movements of 6 healthy subjects over 8 months. This study achieved hassle-free and objective monitoring of bowel movement over a prolonged period. We demonstrated feasibility of stool image data collection and analysis. Our system was able to detect when bowel movements were of abnormal consistency, either loose or constipated.  

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It’s Time to Think about Time

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A Milestone for Coprata

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