Stop flushing away valuable health data.

Meet Coprata: 
The Actually Smart Toilet Company

  • Looks like a conventional toilet and operates with a single flush button
  • Measures key digestive health indicators - making daily data accessible
  • Collects a fecal specimen automatically post-flush for biochemical analysis
  • Provides real-time feedback on straining to benefit constipation

Track and predict your health with our toilet technology

Keep track of your health from the comfort of your home

Timely and accurate data to improve therapeutic management

Stay ahead of potential health issues with early detection

Manage digestive issues, such as straining to produce a bowel movement, with personalized data-driven feedback

Share data and work closely with your care team

Performance and Wellness Enhancements

Optimize your overall health and wellness

Predictive Analytics

Stay ahead of potential health issues with early detection

Remote Monitoring

Keep track of your health from the comfort of your home

Symptom Management

Ease discomfort and manage digestive issues with personalized recommendations

Care-Team Collaboration

Share data and work closely with your care team for better health outcomes

Collects key gut health indicators to...

  • Optimize your health outcomes based on actual data
  • Flag abnormalities before problems develop
  • Receive personalized feedback to reduce problematic behaviors

How It Works

  1. Tell the Toilet It's YouA personalized button to flush the toilet
  2. Use Just Like an Existing Toilet with One Extra Button
  3. The Toilet Does the Work
    Hands-free seamless data collection
  4. Access Your Data Bowel habit data and trends
  5. Actionable FeedbackMake informed lifestyle changes and decisions about therapeutic management

How It Works

Trusted by healthcare experts

Laurie Keefer, PhD
GI Health Psychologist and Professor of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, Rome Foundation Board Member
William Chey, MD
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology, Michigan Medicine and Senior Director at GI on Demand
Jose Ruiz, MD, MPH
Advanced & Therapeutic Endoscopy Gastro Health at Baptist Hospital, Miami

Common Questions

Can there be multiple users?
Yes. The Coprata toilet functions just like a typical toilet for anyone until you choose to opt-in for analysis by identifying yourself via a personalized button.
Can you see the additional technology of the toilet?
No. For the Sampling Toilet, the technology is located in the plumbing after the toilet bowl. For the Smart Seat, the technology is embedded in the seat.
Are these toilets currently available?
We successfully completed pilot studies of our first-generation Smart Toilet and have
published these results. We are piloting the Smart Toilet Seat in the
Triangle area of North Carolina in summer 2024. The Sampling Toilet will be piloted in
clinical studies with medical collaborators.
What if I’m interested in participating in a pilot?
In Summer 2024, we are piloting the Smart Toilet Seat in the Triangle area of North
Carolina. If you suffer from chronic constipation, live in the Triangle region, and would
be interested in learning more, please contact us through Stay in the Loop.
Who should I reach out to if I have questions?
Reach out to